Top Load vs Front Load Washing Machines

February 25, 2022

Top Load vs Front Load Washing Machines

Washing machines have become an essential part of our daily lives, and choosing the right type of washing machine can be quite overwhelming. There are primarily two types of washing machines available in the market - top load and front load. In this blog post, we will provide a factual comparison between the two, including numbers and references, to help you choose the best option for your needs.

Cleaning Power

The primary purpose of a washing machine is to clean clothes effectively. Front load washing machines are known to provide better cleaning power than their top load counterparts. This is because front load washing machines use less water and detergent, yet they can clean clothes better due to their tumbling motion, which allows clothes to soak and move through the water and detergent more effectively. In fact, according to a study conducted by Consumer Reports, front load washing machines can remove more stains than top load washing machines.

Energy and Water Efficiency

Front load washing machines are known to be more energy and water-efficient than top load washing machines. According to Energy Star, a typical front load washing machine uses 25% less energy and 33% less water than a top load washing machine. This means that in the long run, front load washing machines are not only gentle on your clothes but also on your wallet and the environment.

Loading and Unloading Convenience

Top load washing machines are easier to load and unload than front load washing machines. With a top load washing machine, you can simply lift the lid and add clothes mid-cycle, whereas with a front load washing machine, you have to pause the cycle, wait for the water to drain, and then add clothes, which can be inconvenient. However, some newer front load washing machine models may include a feature that allows you to add clothes mid-cycle.


Top load washing machines are generally less expensive than front load washing machines. According to Consumer Reports, the average price of a top load washing machine is $650, while the average price of a front load washing machine is $850. However, it's important to note that some high-end top load washing machine models can be just as expensive or even more expensive than some front load washing machine models.

Maintenance and Repairs

Front load washing machines require more maintenance than top load washing machines. Front load washing machines tend to develop mold and mildew if they are not cleaned and dried properly after use. Additionally, the gasket, which seals the door to prevent leaks, can become clogged with dirt and debris, which can cause odors and leaks. Meanwhile, top load washing machines are typically easier to maintain and repair due to their simple design and accessibility.


Both front load and top load washing machines have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice ultimately depends on your personal preferences and needs. If you have a large family and do a lot of laundry, a top load washing machine may be more convenient for you. However, if you are looking for a machine that is gentle on your clothes, wallet, and the environment, then a front load washing machine may be the better option.

At Flare Compare, we hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision.


  • "Front-load vs. top-load washers: The best machines for your clothes and your budget," CNET, April 18, 2019.
  • "Front-Load vs. Top-Load Washers", Consumer Reports, Jun 09, 2021.

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